October 26, 2016 Ghana’s environment minister keeps the Paris promise: Calls for a Freeze on proposed coal project. 350Africa’s G-ROC team has been at the forefront of an anti-coal campaign, confronting the Ghanaian government, Energy Protection Agency, Volta River Authority and Shenzhen Energy...
June 22, 2016 More rain, less freshwater: Why the government of Ghana needs to stop coal expansion Heavy rainfalls in Accra, Ghana during the past week, induced 10 fatalities, injuries and destroyed properties. The survival of vulnerable communities remains high priority as...
January 28, 2015 5 positive ways Africa is fighting climate change and building stronger communities Climate change is the biggest collective threat we’ve ever faced. But it is also a historic opportunity – it is our chance to change the...
December 2, 2014 Ghana’s street carnival success Last month, the 350 Ghana team, G-ROC, put together a wonderful street carnival with some local artists to celebrate renewable energy. The streets of Accra...
August 19, 2014 350.org GROC coal campaign heats up Last week Saturday, 16th August, 350.org GROC (Ghana Reducing Our Carbon) hosted a youth forum and rally in the Shama district in the western region to...