November 15, 2013 Projets GPS: Doucement MAIS sûrement! Doucement mais surement, le travail des différentes équipes GPS porte du fruit. Les discussions autour des projets de campagne vont bon train et ces derniers...
October 29, 2013 Rwandan GPS team keeps growing Valentine Dushimiyimana was the unique participant selected to attend the Istanbul summit last June from Rwanda. This country is among those where tough decisions have...
July 20, 2013 Pas de temps à perdre! Trois semaines après la fin du Sommet d’Istanbul, l’heure est à la restitution, à l’enrichissement des plans et à la prise de contact avec les...
June 24, 2013 How I got involved in the climate movement As Global Power Shift kicks off today, I couldn’t imagine a suitable and historic day like this to share my story of involvement in the climate...
June 23, 2013 Kenya team attending GPS Phase 1 Only few hours before the opening of Global Power Shift in Istanbul, it’s a great pleasure to introduce team members from Kenya participating in the...