May 12, 2017 #DivestCapeTown campaign Launch: we’ve got the best bits here for you On Tuesday, we launched the #DivestCapeTown campaign, which calls on Cape Town to demonstrate its political leadership and commit to divesting from destructive fossil fuel...
May 10, 2017 We’re counting down the days to the delivery of our petition! Since last week Friday, thousands of people worldwide are intensifying their demands for institutions to divest from the companies most responsible for causing climate change....
May 8, 2017 In case you missed it: Week 1 of #GDMAfrica2017 After months of preparation, the Global Divestment Mobilisation launched last Friday with at least 39 events planned across 20 countries just on that Friday alone...
May 6, 2017 The urgency to cut ties with the fossil fuel industry could not be more heightened On Tuesday 9th May, and Fossil Free South Africa are launching a Cape Town divestment campaign. We want the city to support more than...
May 5, 2017 Day 1: Global Divestment Mobilisation With at least 39 events planned across 20 countries just today – it set the tone for what promises to be a bold and beautiful...