November 15, 2021 #BanFracking town-to-town campaign reaches 2500 people in KZN and Free State After months of planning and launching the #BanFracking campaign in the Free State, the Botshabelo Unemployed Movement (BUM), Fateng Unemployed Movement (FUM) and volunteers from...
June 4, 2021 Botshabelo Unemployed Movement launches #BanFracking campaign in Free State and KZN On 28th May, the Botshabelo Unemployed Movement (BUM) launched an extension of the #BanFracking campaign, in the community of Lindley in the Free State. This...
December 7, 2018 National Fracking Campaign launch On the 16-17 November the Support Centre for Land Change hosted various community based organisations, NGO’s and local leaders to the launch of their National...
September 12, 2012 BAN FRACKING – South Africa is not for s(h)ale! Send a message to the South African government on Global Anti-Fracking day, September 22nd 2012, by joining other South Africans who are opposed to fracking,...