Send a message to the South African government on Global Anti-Fracking day, September 22nd 2012, by joining other South Africans who are opposed to fracking, when they CALL FOR A PERMANENT BAN ON FRACKING in South Africa. We will meet in front of the gates of Parliament in Cape Town, corner of Plein Street and Roeland Street at 10h30.
The event is open to everyone and supported by several organisations, including TKAG, Earthlife Africa, SAFCEI, the Southern Cape Land Committee, Environmental Monitoring Group, Coalition for Environmental Justice, and others. For more information, and to RSVP, please visit the facebook event page:
Please be creative with your anti-fracking banners and posters, and feel free to dress up: 22 Sept is also the first real day of spring, as the spring (vernal) equinox is on 21 Sept –
“WHAT IF SOUTH AFRICA decided to make a NEW BEGINNING, to live in harmony with nature, to embrace a truly renewable, sustainable energy future, and not allow polluting industries to destroy our people’s land and scarce water resources for their corporate profit?”
This event is part of the Global Frackdown, a project of Food and Water Watch (http://www.globalfrackdown.