July 14, 2020 Virtual Youth Summit 2020 – Nick Ford One of the most important parts of activism, in my opinion, is community. Just as Rome was not built in a day, a greater future...
July 14, 2020 From the Streets to Virtual Space – Awande Duma “Necessity is the mother of invention” these words peaked and troughed in my mind as I participated at the Virtual Youth Summit hosted by 350.org...
June 18, 2020 The South Africa Digital Youth summit The African Climate Alliance is excited to be taking part and collaborating with 350Africa on the Digital Youth summit which started this week for Youth...
June 12, 2020 Combat Covid-19 And Not Pause Climate Action, A Double-Crisis For Youth Is A Threshold To Their Future. The South African young people are gathering virtually, on a Summit co-hosted by the South African Youth Centre for Climate Change (SAYCCC), 350.org and African...