The #weleadyou event was held in a village in the Ogori Magongo village in Nigeria.  Over a hundred persons participated in the event which had support from the leaders of the village.

Old, young, youth and children all registered their presence in support of the event and sheer excitement was expressed through the several speeches made all echoing the same sentiment of what a privilege it was to highlight what they have been going through. Testimonies from grandfathers, grandmothers and others affirmed how their village community environment has changed over the decades.

Nigeria - new

Noticeable changes in weather, vegetation and crops from as far back as 1930s and 1940s were brought forward highlighting how climate change has negatively impacted on sources of water and food. The village youth leaders had given a tour of the sites of environmental degradation later in the day.

A fitting tribute at the close of the event was paid to renowned late Professor Godwin Obasi. He was the former Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and who resided in the village of Ogori Magongo. 

Partners that supported the event: CSDEVnet, Climate Change Network (CCN) and Trees on Earth Foundation
