Cape Town, South Africa — Today the Western Cape High Court secured its place on the right side of history by ruling the controversial nuclear deal to be both “unlawful and unconstitutional.”
“This is really good news for South Africa’s climate movement. This ruling opens up the space for government to urgently adhere its commitment to the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Process (REIPPPP). Civil society is taking action, resisting against government and its dodgy deals with big business. This nuclear deal lacked transparency and was going to set South Africa’s coffers back by R1 Trillion” said Ahmed Mokgopo 350Africa Divestment Campaigner.
Earthlife Africa (ELA) and Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) are at the forefront of challenging this deal arguing that renewable energies haven’t been explored and remain the best energy option.
The nuclear versus RE debate has become increasingly political. The future of South Africa’s democracy is being shaped by our energy investments. There is no room for fossil fuel expansion if we are serious about addressing catastrophic climate impacts.
With the Global Divestment Mobilisation taking place this May (5-13) civil society is challenging the social license of these rogue industries with vested interests responsible for perpetuating the climate crisis. We are sending one clear message: “No new nukes, no new coal mines, none at all. It’s time to end the age of fossil fuels because this is what it really means to end the climate crisis” added Mokgopo.