The Just Recovery
Art Challenge

Vision of a just recovery from covid19

See all entries


From the 16th of July to the 30th of August 2020, the Climate Justice Coalition ran the #JustRecoveryArt Challenge, an online art competition open to all residents of South Africa. Artists were invited to submit drawings, paintings, music, sound art, video art, crafts, and sculptures communicating their vision of a just recovery from COVID-19.

See all entries below.





All of the contestants who entered the competition presented creative ways of what a #justrecovery from covid19 could look like for South Africa. Click here to see the winning artworks.

A lot of things are uncertain at the moment, but there’s one thing we know for sure: decisions made now in response to COVID-19 will shape our lives for years to come. The response to COVID-19 could ensure a just recovery for everyone in the wake of this crisis. The next step is working together to hold our leaders to account. 

It can be hard to look to the future. It’s a sad and frightening time – but there are reasons for hope, too.

 Find out more about the call for a #JustRecovery from covid19.
