South Africa received a dubious new honour this month — we became home to the most expensive coal-fired power station in the world… which then exploded[1]. This is not a rollercoaster ride we can afford in a country where millions of households still don’t have access to electricity[2].
Eskom’s old, unreliable and polluting coal power stations plunge us into rolling blackouts, drive Eskom deeper into debt, and send electricity prices soaring.
But a better Eskom is possible! One that provides affordable, reliable and clean energy. An Eskom that drives a just transition to a more socially-owned renewable energy future that empowers and benefits communities, workers, businesses and all South Africans.
Here is how:
The Green New Eskom campaign is calling for a rapid and just transition to a more socially owned, renewable energy powered economy, providing clean, safe, and affordable energy for all, with no worker and community left behind.
Not only is a transformed Eskom possible, it is absolutely vital. We simply cannot ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for South Africa without fixing Eskom. This may be one of the biggest and most important tasks in creating a better South Africa for all.
So what can you do about it? The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, under Minister Gwede “the coal fundamentalist” Mantashe, is one of the biggest obstacles to that future. So, join us at events around the country on 22 September as we unite with civil society and community organisations to #UprootTheDMRE and call for a Green New Eskom.
As climate strikes take place across the world this September, we’re joining a groundswell of people power to demand decision makers take our energy future seriously — no more Medupis.
We hope to see you on the streets. Find an event near you.
- Daily Maverick: 2 August 2021 and 9 August 2021
- Mail & Guardian