The 350 global work party took place at Iganga High School took yesterday on 8th October 2010. The event took place from 3pm due to other school programs that were in progress during the course of the day.
The event was very successful though it was highly disrupted by heavy downfalls. The approximate total population was 1600 people comprising of about 1200 students of Iganga High school and about 400 members from the community around Iganga High School and Iganga town at large.
The chairperson Board of Governor (B.O.G) Iganga High School as well as the aspiring political leader for Membership of Parliament Mr. Kato was present as the guest of honor among others were present and the school administration was highly represented by the deputy administrator Mr. Aggry and the rest of the Iganga High School staff members.
At first place students of Iganga high School assembled at School for information about the progress of the day, this was by several speeches from Mr. Aggry and I Alex.
I was given the opportunity to hand over the solar panels to the school and their related gargets like a battery for instalation.
Unfortunately before we had done much the down fall begun. However at around 5pm we were assembled again for a short peaceful demonstration around Iganga town, around the school compound and eventually to the tree planting session around the school compound to mark the day.
Photo Credit: Mr. Ibra from Iganga News Bereau.