
Educate yourself and others

Learn more and spread the word about how a Green New Eskom can transform South Africa and build a more socially and ecologically just future.




This booklet details our vision of a Green New Eskom. It unpacks questions such as why a just transition to renewable energy is our best energy future and how tackling corruption could fund it. It also provides ways that you can be part of a movement to transform Eskom. You can also find ways of taking action online at: GreenNewEskom.org

Download the booklet (English)

Download the booklet (isiZulu)

Download the booklet (Sesotho)

Download the booklet (Afrikaans)

Download the booklet (isiXhosa)


This short leaflet briefly explains the Green New Eskom campaign and how to get involved. It can be used to flyer at public events for those interested in finding out more and getting involved in the Green New Eskom campaign.

Download the leaflet (English)

Download the leaflet (isiZulu)

Download the leaflet (Sesotho)

Download the leaflet (Afrikaans)

Download the leaflet (isiXhosa)

Workshop Template

For those who want to run their own wokrshops on a Green New Eskom, we have developed this workshop template to help.

Open template

Powerpoint Slides

These powerpoint slides are based on the booklet, and can be used and adapted for those wanting to raise awareness. A video of them being presented is available below.

Open the slides


Watch Dr Alex Lenferna present the details of the Green New Eskom booklet at a UKZN Centre for Civil Society webinar.

Watch this webinar on climate justice and a Green New Eskom as part of the SAFTU Saturday Schools, presented by Cleopatra Shezi, Mametlwe Sebei and Alex Lenferna.

Watch this Climate Justice Coalition webinar launching the Green New Eskom booklet.


Just Us And The Climate:

In this episode of Just Us and the Climate Mandy Rambharos, head of Eskom's Just Energy Transition office, speaks to Dr Alex Lenferna, the secretary of the Climate Justice Coalition and campaigner with 350Africa.org. The episode focuses on how Eskom plans to enact a just energy transition away from polluting coal towards a renewable energy future.

Listen to the podcast here

Radio New Frame on a Green New Eskom:

Radio New Frame speaks to 350Africa.org's Alex Lenferna about their plan to change Eskom's coal tainted colours to green.

Listen to the podcast here

Frequently Asked Questions

Why save Eskom?

Many are tempted to say that we should just let Eskom die. We cannot do that though, as Eskom’s debt is a national issue, which we do need to solve or risk a debt crisis. Additionally, while some can afford to disconnect from the national grid and create their own energy, the vast majority of South African will still rely on Eskom for the foreseeable future.

How do we pay for a Green New Eskom?

The truth is that it is more expensive to stay locked into our current polluting coal energy regime. Renewable energy is cheaper than coal, and so we would save money by making the shift.18 Additionally, if we rein in corruption and looting at Eskom we could save hundreds of billions of rands which can be used to fund a just transition.

What’s wrong with privatization?

While the private sector has a role to play in the transition, the problem is when our energy sector is dominated by multinational corporations who send profits overseas. In several countries there are limits to how much energy can be owned and controlled by multinationals, and policies in place to promote more socially owned energy.

What is socially owned renewable energy?

Socially owned renewable energy comes in many forms, where energy is owned by workers, cooperatives, communities, citizens, municipalities, and the state through entities like Eskom. The aim of social ownership is for the benefits of energy to go to the people rather than to profit multinational companies.

What about nuclear?

Nuclear power is less harmful than coal or fossil gas in producing energy. That’s why many are opposed to shutting down nuclear early if it is replaced by fossil fuels. However, new nuclear is less job creating, and more polluting, expensive & slower to build than renewables. That’s why new nuclear does not make sense compared to renewables.

What about “clean” coal?

There is no such thing as clean coal. There are some technologies which make coal slightly less polluting, but still very polluting. Those technologies also make coal power much more expensive. With renewable energy already cheaper than coal, building new coal power with expensive additional technology, makes no economic sense.

Isn’t gas a solution?

It depends which gas you are talking about. It is increasingly economic to create green hydrogen gas using renewable energy and water. We are in favour of that and other forms of green gas. However, fossil gas in the form of methane, the kind that is extracted from fracking the earth, is heavily polluting and expensive compared to renewable energy.


