Our mobilising efforts against the fossil fuel industry and for climate solutions continue alongside the COP22. After last week’s workshop on storytelling at COY and the launch of project ‘Climate Photo and Impacts’, momentum is growing as Sunday approaches – the day on which the march for climate justice is planned in Marrakech.
For this reason, our art space is welcoming young schoolchildren, volunteers and other artists who are taking part by preparing the messages and other tools to be used in the march. A giant artistic installation called ‘Sunshines of Africa’ is nearing completion. Created to demonstrate the revolution of renewable energy which Africa needs, this installation should be one of the major attractions of the climate march.
The COP is also the time to revitalise the local climate movement. For this purpose, two meetings with local activists have been organised, one of which was this Wednesday evening which brought together around twenty activists willing to start a local 350 group. This was my chance to finally meet one of the most senior organisers for 350.org in Morocco, Moustapha, who took part in the days of climate action organised in the past.

Meeting with the Moroccan climate activists at the youth centre in Marrakesh
To counter one of the growing threats to the environment and climate in North Africa, which is the exploitation of shale gas through fracking, a two-day workshop for exchanging experiences, taking place where Maghreb activists are based, has been organised for this Thursday and Friday to explore the possibility of undertaking concrete action to stop this form of drilling extraction, which uses an enormous amount of water and sand, in a region already suffering from water shortages.
Due to all the continued pressure, threats and intimidation subjected to all activists including those defending the environment, a panel calling for a reinforcement of the protection of defenders of the environment has been called for this Saturday. This panel will bring together environmental activists from Brazil, Kenya and Morocco as well as a representative from the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Whilst waiting for updates of our activities, you can continue to follow all news on the COP22 here as brought to you by 350.org.