Zero Carbon Africa would like to invite you to the ARTing Climate Change event on Thursday 27thSeptember, 2012. Climate change is impacting more local communities across Nigeria with children, young people and women bearing the biggest brunt. BBC World Service Trust report states that climate change awareness in Nigeria is about 1% and there is a need for concerted and coordinated campaign to raise climate change awareness!
The ARTing Climate Change is a green carpet event tailored to showcase the impact of climate change in various sectors in the Nigerian society using art – music, interpretative dance performance, poetry-in-motion, photography, presentations, video documentary (with local content) and sharing of real life experience by victims. This event is aim to raise awareness about climate change and inspire positive actions among young people during the National Day of Action on Climate Change on Thursday 25th October, 2012.
When & Where
5pm – 8pm
Thursday 27th September, 2012
Main Auditorium, University of Lagos
For more information visit the event blog
Expected guests and speakers:
– Nnimmo Bassey
Executive Director – Environmental Rights Action (ERA)
Chair, Friends of the Earth International
– Christine Kay
Country Director – Heinrich Boell Foundation Nigeria
– Tunde Ojei
Associate Country Director – Oxfam Nigeria
– Members of the diplomatic corps
– Representatives from the State and Federal Government
– Renown artists and actresses….And many more!
Want to attend?
1. Fill this short Form (less than 45 seconds to complete)
2. Join us on Facebook
3. Follow us on Twitter and join the conservation by tweeting at your Politicians, environmentalists,
Sample tweet: @bukolasaraki where will you be on Sept. 27th? Don’t miss the ARTing Climate Change
For more information, you can click on event!