A 100,000 Poets for Change event was presented in Durban, South Africa by Poetry Africa and the Centre for Creative Arts (University of KwaZulu-Natal), in association with the World Poetry Movement, and with support by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund. The theme was the environmental challenges. In South Africa, water is a precious and scarce resource, and what we got in Durban on 24 September was RAIN! This was great for the environment but not for our outdoor event. Less than an hour of activity was possible before the sound company and safety officer closed the event. Despite the rain about 80 to 100 people turned up and we managed one number by the band, and poems by MC’s Busisiwa Gqulu, Sakhile Shabalala and representatives of local poetry groups before popular South African poet and storyteller Gcina Mhlophe warmed the spirits of those who stayed. Attendees wrote lines of poetry for an artwork under construction and signatures were collected for the World Poetry Movement www.wpm2011.org and Moving Planet 350.org. Thanks to all!