December 6, 2012 Le Burundi fait un pas vers les énergies propres Genny Ndayisenga, journaliste et organisatrice de 350 au Burundi partage ici un article publié dans Burundi Eco sur les timides progrès des énérgies renouvelables au...
November 20, 2012 The 350 movement boosted in Uganda It is exactly one month since completion of the 350 Uganda Climate Leaders Workshop in Entebbe, which brought together 22 activists, environmentalists and farmers from...
September 27, 2012 Young climate leaders to meet the world’s challenge. Genny Ndayisenga from the 350 Burundi team reports here on the recent Climate Leadership Workshop held in Gitega. “Protecting the environment is a sign of...
August 9, 2012 Bungere vu sous l’angle écolo Emile Hakizimana de l’équipe 350 Burundi analyse ici l’empreinte écologique du 6ème Jamboree Scout Africain sur le site de Bungere au Burundi. Le site de...
August 9, 2012 The 350 and Scout Movements towards community positive change Genny Ndayisenga, member of the 350 Burundi team reports back here on the Climate Leadership Workshop held last week during the 6th African Scout Jamboree....