March 17, 2016

17th March 2016 the Fossil Fuel Foundation is hosting an “Independent Power Generation One day Conference” at the Glenhove Conference Centre in Rosebank Johannesburg. On the agenda the Independent Power Production will be discussing coal and the IPP programme.
350Africa is shining the spotlight on the coal industry in light of the outcomes of COP21 and calling on government to commit to a just transition away from coal to Renewable Energy.
“It is clear that these platforms are established to operate within the broader political domain, where procuring new coal fired power generation technology is more political than it is about access to electricity” Lerato Letebele 350Africa Regional Communications Manager.
South Africa’s coal mining industry is on the decline and yet one day conferences are still being held by the Fossil Fuel Foundation together with government and individuals with vested interests in coal and energy to discuss the future of a sector that over the last three years has shed up to 47,000 jobs.
With 60% of the country’s deposits located in Witbank, which has the dirtiest air in the world, Mpumalanga will still be home to Kusile the world’s largest coal mine, burning 17million tons of coal a year. In addition South Africa’s carbon emissions will increase by another 10%, ensuring the country’s spot as one of the world’s highest contributor to climate change.
“350Africa is not advocating for the immediate shutting down of mines. We are saying no to the construction of new mines and power stations. And given the supposed shenanigans with the Gupta coal deal with Eskom, we are also calling for an open procurement process. We have a right to know how government is spending our taxes’’ Continued Letebele.
COP21 saw governments across the world pledge to take climate change actions. These pledges still require immediate and massive shift away from burning fossil fuels. Instead of focusing on Renewable Energy destructive industries such as fossil fuels continue to be supported by government, private and financial sectors. has launched a global “Break Free from Fossil Fuels” campaign. This will feature as series of peaceful escalated actions aimed at disrupting the fossil fuel industry by targeting the most dangerous and unnecessary fossil fuel projects. It will also target, the allegations of corruption and state capture by the mining industry. In May, the fossil fuel industry should prepare itself for actions that will be taking place in order to make the just transition to 100% Renewable Energy.
2015 saw R192 billion invested in Renewables and 50000MW on the grid – it is now cheaper and sustainable to foster growth in alternative sources of energy. According to a 2013 Greenpeace Africa study on “South African Energy Sector Jobs”, 72 400 new renewable energy jobs can be created by 2030.
“The call to Break Free from fossil fuels has never been this urgent. Despite being the third best solar location globally, South Africa still gets 90% of electricity through burning coal. It is up to us, the people, to stop corruption and dirty deals prevalent in the coal and mining industry. Climate justice demands transparency with existing coal deals”- Amir Bagheri 350Africa BreakFree Campaigner.
For more information visit:
Highlights from some of the planned actions:
South Africa: In Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, activists will demonstrate against policies and businesses that promote and benefit from fossil fuels. Actions will highlight the endemic corruption in the fossil fuel industry and attacks on socially owned renewable energy businesses.
Lerato Letebele Regional Communications Manger
+27 11 339 1035 +27 76 562 4895
Amir Bagheri BreakFree Campaigner
+27 74 123 2647
Ferrial Adam- Team Director
+27 74 181 3197