Posts: Page 82

Vague radio: Grand merci!

Chers organisateurs,

Par votre détermination et dévouement sans faille à travers la vague radiophonique, vous avez mobilisé l’opinion durant les trois dernières semaines sur le plus grand défi du siècle. Vous avez fait connaître le travail

The journey to Durban: Sautis from eastern DRC

Ephrem reports on the community talks held to prepare the COP 17 where participants called for greater leadership and solutions based on science and justice

Few days before the UN climate conference on climate change in

Educating on climate change through radio

Mbemba tells us how the recent agreement signed with a grassroots community radio will contribute to amplify efforts of raising awareness on climate change.

Our group-UJTD and the community radio of Koungheul signed on the 20

Matema cycles 1335km for the climate

Matema is resting today. It is the only day she gets to rest out of the 1335km that she will cycle from Musina, the Northern most town in South Africa to Durban, where COP17 will take
