Across the world, coal plants and the greed of the fossil fuel industry are threatening irreplaceable cultural and natural sites.

In Lamu, the Kenyan government together with Amu power consortium are building a Megawatt coal plant in Lamu county, an island off the coast of Kenya, north of Mombasa. Lamu, a UNESCO world heritage site is home to the oldest most authentic and preserved Swahili settlement.

The $2billion deal will increase Kenya’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 12%, whereas the country has committed to reducing its emissions to 30% by 2030.

Let us not allow this precious site to be forever altered by dirty coal. The environmental impacts of Kenya’s first coal-fired power plant in Lamu, will forever alter the island’s fragile ecosystem and endanger the livelihoods of the close to 120,000 people living in Lamu County.

UNESCO’s mandate is to preserve cultural and natural heritage sites around the world — and that means standing up to coal and taking a firm stand against climate change.

The community that lives and fishes in Lamu have spoken out, with thousands of people opposing the project. They need your support to reach out to UNESCO, who can make a huge difference in this struggle.

You can help keep up the pressure by sharing this video about the Lamu Island the video on Facebook.

